1962 AMA American Motorcycle Meeting Committee Minutes - 7-Page Vintage Article
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1962 AMA American Motorcycle Meeting Committee Minutes - 7-Page Vintage ArticleOriginal, Vintage Magazine Article
Page Size: Approx. 8" x 11" (21 cm x 28 cm) each page
Condition: Good
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Competition Com-
mittee of the American Motorcycle Association held at San
rrancisco, California, November 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1962.
On roll call the following members were present:
L. A. Kuchlcr
Walter Davidson
Jim Davis
Trevor Deelcy
Leonard Andres
Al Arnold
Walt Brown
John Ciccarelli
Rod Coates
Oscar C. Lenz
R. H. O’Brien
Dudley Perkins
Earl Robinson
James Tagaris
Bruce Walters
Peter Zcpka
John Esler
Earl Flanders
Walter Fulton
Horace Fritz
William J. Harley
Aub LcBard
Wayne Browning — John Esler, proxy
Rabun Chambless — Walter C. Davidson
James Hill — L. A. Kuchlcr, proxy
E. W. Saage — Walt Brown, proxy
Billy Temple — R. H. O’Brien, proxy
Also present lor the A.M.A. Central office:
, proxy
Jules Horky
Under the first order of business, L. A. Kuchlcr was re-
elected Chairman of the Competition Committee and Jim
Davis was re-elected Deputy Chairman.
The Chairman reported a total of 3157 sanctions issued
from January 1, 1962 to November 1, 1962. The number of
sanctions issued of each type of activity remained about the
same as in 1961, but there was an approximate 50% increase in
the T.T. events which increased from 90 in 1961 to 139 in 1962.
We have nothing new to report on the matter of AMA-
FIM affiliation. The FIM did not approve membership of any
U. S. association in the FIM at the recently held Fall Congress.
Our AMA Public Relations and Publicity program has
continued to make very fine progress as indicated by the two
ABC-TV “Wide World of Sports” motorcycle shows Heidelberg
and Ascot T.T. We have also received greater newspaper and
magazine feature coverage during 1962. AMA Clubs have done
a commendable job in getting good motorcycle publicity on a
local level and sometimes on a national level.
Continued growth of the AMA Formula *'C” competition
program is indicated by the increased number of competition
licenses issued in 1962. There were 1581 licensed riders in 1962
compared to 1188 in 1961. All districts showed an increase and
this increase can be attributed to the renewed interest in T.T.
This completes the Chairman’s opening remarks to the
Competition Committee.
On Sunday afternoon, November 11 the members of the
Competition Committee held an open forum with a group
of California AMA officials, competition riders, and other
persons affiliated with the sport of motorcycling. The com-
mittee heard many good suggestions and these opinions were
taken into account throughout the committee meeting. Guests
at the open forum meeting were: Anthony Gendusa, Lorn E.
Ford, Len Allen, Neil Keen, Albert Gunter, Dick Mann, Fred
Price, Hap Alzina, J. C. Agajanian, Bill Bagnall and Floyd
'I'hc members of the Competition Committee wish to ex-
press their appreciation to these gentlemen lor taking part in
this part of the meeting.
All suggested rule changes, received from AMA members
and AMA affiliated clubs were presented for the consideration
of the Competition Committee. The action taken on these
suggestions appear in the minutes that follow.
The committee reviewed Article 11 [-Classification of
Equipment, and the revised Article III is attached to these
John Ciccarelli MM/ Al Arnold SM to adopt the revised
Article 111.
Motion Carried 27-0
'rhe committee engaged in a lengthy discussion regarding
the introduction of 250cc motorcycles to Formula “C” com-
petition and the permissible use of streamlining in Road Rac-
ing. Due to the numerous problems involved it was apparent
that each type of Formula “C” should be acted upon separately.
Wm. Harley MM/ Aub LeBard SM to permit the use of
Streamlining for the Expert class in Road Racing and limit
the heavyweight motor classification to 500cc OHV and 45 cu.
in. S.V. a committee to be appointed to consider the specifica-
tions required in streamlining.
Motion Carried 23-4
Wm. Harley, Walt Fidton, Walt Brown, Earl Flanders
were appointed to the streamlining committee with instructions
to submit their report before this meeting adjourned.
Wm. Harley MM/ Walter Davidson SM to eliminate the
Unlimited Road Race class in Sportsman and prize money
Motion Carried 23-4
Rod Coates MM/ Walt Fulton SM to retain Article XII-
Road Racing, except to add streamlining as previously approved
for the Expert class in the heavyweight division.
Motion Carried 27-0
Walt Fulton MM/Trevor Deeley SM to add a “Light-
weight” 250cc class to Article XII Road Races, limited to a
maximum displacement of 250cc and this class to include a
combined entry of Green plate Novice, Amateur and Expert
licensed competition riders.
Motion Carried 27-0
Walt Fulton MM/ Pete Zepka SM to permit the use of
streamlining in the previously approved "Lightweight” 250cc
class in Road Races.
Motion Carried 26-1
Walt Fulton MM/ Walter Davidson SM to retain Article
Class “A” short track races, except to delete (under Section
2 b) “working kick starter”.
Motion Carried 26-1
Earl Flanders MM/ Trevor Deeley SM to change Article
T.T. races to a lightweight class of 0 to 250cc and a
heavyweight class of 251cc to 900cc. Motion Carried 21-5
John Eslcr MM/ Earl Robinson SM to retain Formula “C”
Dirt Track rules as they exist except that in the interest of
safety, the program of events may be changed with the approval
of the Chairman of the Competition Committee.
Motion Carried 23-4
Al Arnold MM/ Dudley Perkins SM to revert to licensed
competition rider point schedule used in 1961 and effective
date for use of this schedule be January 1, 1962.
Motion Carried 27-0
NOTE: Based on this action, riders will be advanced on
the total points accumulated in all types of racing
competition acquired prior to and during 1962.
Walt Fulton MM/ John Eslcr SM to establish a minimum
displacement for Formula “C” Road Racing and Dirt Track
at 300cc.
Motion Defeated 7-15
Wm. Harley MM/ Walter Davidson SM to delete Article
XIII from the rule book.
Motion Carried 26-1
At this lime members of the committee recessed to inspect
various types of fairings and streamlining which had been
made available for their inspection.
Upon reconvening the “Streamlining" committee report
was heard. This committee recommended that the rules for
streamlining drafted for the 1962 “Unlimited Class" be adopted.
And further recommended that as soon as it is possible to do.
definite standards and specifications should be established for...